Chechnya, Grozny. Photo by

10 December 2009, 19:00

Sadulayeva's murder is badly investigated in Chechnya, her colleagues assert

The investigation of the case dealing with kidnapping and subsequent murder of Zarema Sadulayeva, head of the public organization "Let's Save the Generation", and her husband Alik Dzhabrailov is run at a poor level. This is the opinion of the victims' colleagues and friends. Besides, they assert that Victor Ledenyov, head of the Investigatory Committee of Russia for Chechnya, just repeats the earlier expressed version of Chechen President.

Last week Victor Ledenyov said that the kidnappers were going to execute Alik Dzhabrailov, 33, only, not the woman.

This statement of the high-ranking official of the Investigatory Committee has caused a negative reaction of human rights activists and friends of the assassinated couple.

"If they were not going to kill Zarema, she would have been alive," said one of her colleagues on this occasion. She reminds that Zarema's body had traces of torture and severe beating - her arm was fractured in two places.

"I also don't believe that Alik (Dzhabrailov) was killed because of blood feud. Today, plenty of former militants work in different agencies and departments; however, they aren't murdered. The investigation into this crime, as I believe, is run badly, same as the murder of Natasha Estemirova. From time to time inspectors move certain versions, and that's all. Although one month ago Mr Bastrykin (head of the Investigatory Committee of Russia), announced that Estemirova's murder was almost solved," said the colleague.

A member of a local human rights NGO sticks to the same opinion: "By stating that Alik Dzhabrailov, who had been a militant before, could commit some crime, and, because of that, fell victim of blood feud, Ledenyov has only repeated Ramzan Kadyrov's version expressed several months ago, in fact, at once after the murder of Alik and Zarema," said the source of the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"I don't believe in this version. Here, it's correct indeed that Zarema followed her husband on her will and went together with the power agents who came to take Alik. We can only guess what happened later. I'm confused by the fact that Ledenyov never said that Dzhabrailov and Sadulayeva were kidnapped by employees of certain power agencies. Everyone knows about it here," said the source. "It's known that some of them were militiamen from the Kurchaloy ROVD; others could be the fighters of the MIA's special regiment."

Author: Alexander Ivanov Source: CK correspondent

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