Astrakhan. Photo by

19 March 2010, 21:00

Political hunger-strikers in Astrakhan are now seven in number

Astrakhan sees the third day of the hunger-strike announced by deputies and activists of opposition parties. Today, it became known that Nazarbek Shnanov, head of the Pre-Volga Organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) has joined the action, increased its strength to seven persons.

The "Caucasian Knot" reported earlier that on March 17 a number of local deputies and journalists went on hunger strike in Astrakhan.

The protest action is held in the office of the "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (Fair Russia) faction of the Astrakhan Regional Duma with participation of Alexander Mikhailov - Deputy of the Regional Duma from "Spravedlivaya Rossiya", Igor Negerev - Deputy from the CPRF, Evgenie Dunaev, Deputy of the City Duma ("Spravedlivaya Rossiya"), and two journalists: a member of the LDPR Vladimir Anikin and Social-Revolutionary Oleg Teplischev. Later, Oleg Sheyin, Deputy of the Russian State Duma, joined the action.

According to the latter, Oleg Sheyin, criminal cases against unwanted persons are initiated on far-fetched grounds; therefore, we can state political repressions in the region. In this context, the hunger-strikers have already addressed Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, asking him to order the General Prosecutor's Office to check up their assertion that the criminal power reigns in the Astrakhan Region, the "Echo Moskvy" Radio reports.

"For example, how can we treat the fact that a criminal case was initiated against Evgenie Dunaev, a city duma deputy, which is accused of slander contained in his only phrase 'a cunning mayor'? Another fact: last October bandits beat two journalists - Teplischev and Yaschenko - right on the threshold of a polling station. Later, an attempt was made to initiate a criminal case against the journalists. It's clear that we see dishonest inquiry. This was one of the motives of our protest action," Radio Liberty quotes Oleg Sheyin's words.

He hopes that the authorities will pay attention to their action. "Today, the country sees, maybe, shy but obvious democratic changes. Discussion in mass media and some format of political debates, let insufficiently broad, are revived. Early voting, which has ever been a form of violence over people, is forbidden," said Mr Sheyin.

Yesterday, doctors examined the hunger-strikers, measured their blood pressure and concluded that their health condition causes no fears.

The Investigatory Department for the Astrakhan Region of the Russian ICPO explained that the protesting politicians had not complained to the Department and filed no applications; therefore, they can say nothing about any check of particular facts, the "Izvestia Volga-Caspian" reports.

No comments have been made by any officials on the hunger strike.

In the meantime, one more action is prepared in support of protesters' claims and free civil society, and within the all-Russian action of civil solidarity and distrust in the ruling party. A rally "against the illegal criminal power, unemployment and arbitrariness in sphere of housing and communal services, for democracy, employment and putting municipal economy in order" will take place in Astrakhan on March 20.

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