06 July 2010, 19:00

Court hearings on case of Vaan Khalafian's death put off till July 15

The trial on the case of death of 24-year-old Vaan Khalafian, which started on July 6 in the general court of Kotaisk district, has been put off till July 15 because the lawyer of Khalafian's legal successor, his uncle Amik Khalafian, failed to attend.

During the court session, the territory around the court building was patrolled by reinforced police details, the court bailiffs checked people entering the court building.

On April 13, the 24-year-old Vaan Khalafian, accused of theft, was brought to the police station of Charentsavan. The young man died on the same day.

According to the body expert examination conducted by the republic's scientific and practical forensic center, traces of two knife wounds, traces of scratches from a sharp object, such as a knife, have been found in the area of Khalafian's abdomen. The expert examination conducted by the republic's scientific and practical center has shown that there were no traces of a knife strike on the clothes of the young man who had died in the police station.

Four policemen are accused within the criminal case investigated by the Special Investigation Service. On of them, Ashot Arutiunian, chief of criminal investigation department of Charentsavan police, has been arrested. He is accused under article 309, 3 - "excess of power". The article envisages from 6 to 10 years of imprisonment. The other three policemen - detectives Garik Davtian, Garik Kazarian and Moris Airapetian - are not in custody. Recognisance not to leave has been taken from them as a measure of restraint. Three policemen are faced with up to 4 years of imprisonment.

Author: Lilit Ovanisyan Source: CK correspondent

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