31 July 2010, 12:00

Residents of South Ossetia address for help to other countries in house rebuilding

The residents of South Ossetia, who suffered in the August 2008 conflict, have addressed the authorities of other countries with a request to help in restoring the destroyed housing. According to their story, similar appeals to the leadership of the republic and Russia were fruitless.

The authors of the statement note that restoration of 283 multi-storey and 322 private houses should have been over by the end of 2009; according to official data, by spring of 2010 only one third of them were restored: 85 multi-storey and 102 private houses.

"The people living in the republic find even these figures to be overestimated. While formally reporting about the end of reconstruction of houses, local authorities leave them in an unsuitable condition. Some of the burnt downs, who started fighting for their rights, were openly told by the authorities that their houses would never be restored at all. The promised compensation for lost housing at the rate of 50,000 roubles (less than 2000 US dollars), able to cover only a small part of expenses, was given not to everybody," the authors of the statement assert.

"Now, when hundreds of families continue jostling with their relatives, live in trailers and tents, when dozens remain practically in the street, we see no more sense to address the authorities of Russia and South Ossetia. Now we address the authorities of other countries and to everyone who is able to help us: the third winter is in front of us; many face the risk to spend it without a roof over their head," said the victims-residents of South Ossetia.

The appeal-statement was signed by 15 residents of South Ossetia.

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