17 August 2010, 17:00

In Dagestan, teenager partially lost hearing after beating by militiamen, rights defenders assert

On August 13, 2010, Makhmud Akhmedov, earlier beaten by militiamen at interrogation, was discharged from the Central Republic's Hospital. As a result of his trauma, Makhmud lost hearing by one ear. Doctors conclude that in case of necessary treatment and favourable conditions the hearing can be restored, runs the statement of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial".

The teenager's diagnosis specifies: a closed craniocerebral trauma, light brain bruise, bruises of soft head tissues, right knee joint and posttraumatic sensorineural deafness.

In the near future, the HRC "Memorial" and the Committee "Civil Assistance" plan to start fundraising for Makhmud's treatment in Moscow.

The Ombudsperson in Dagestan Ummupazil Omarova has voiced her support of Makhmud Akhmedov's rights. She told about her visit to the child in hospital and that she had informed President of Dagestan Magomedsalam Magomedov about the incident; the latter ordered to make a careful investigation.

The local Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) rejects the beating of the boy; and on July 28, in the absence of interpreter and the boy's parents, an inspector drew a protocol, running that Makhmud took the militia car on his own will and expressed a desire to drive with militiamen to the police station.

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