27 August 2010, 19:00

Human rights organizations raise money for treatment of the teenager beaten by militiamen in Dagestan

The Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" and the "Civil Assistance" Committee are organizing a free-of-charge hospitalization of Makhmud Ahmedov, 14, who partially lost hearing after beating by militiamen in Dagestan, and his mother Aishat Guseinova in Moscow clinics. The "Civil Assistance" Committee has opened an account for donations aimed to treat the child.

Let us remind you that on July 26 the HRC "Memorial" reported that in the building of OVD (Interior Division) of Khebda village, Shamil District of Dagestan, militiamen violently beat Makhmud Ahmedov, 14. The boy was taken from his home, brought to the police station without his parents and any adults, and then was beaten for the whole nights demanding to confess that he had stolen a drill.

As a result of the beating Makhmud received a brain bruise and has lost hearing by one ear. Doctors say that proper treatment may restore the hearing. For this purpose Makhmud needs consultations and treatment in Moscow. His mother also has health problems as a result of the stress that she had lived through.

The large Ahmedov family (both parents are invalids, and they have six children) cannot bear the transportation, meals, medicines and some medical examinations in Moscow, the message of the HRC "Memorial" says.

The HRC "Memorial" and the "Civil Assistance" Committee are organizing free-of-charge hospitalization of the boy and his mother in Moscow and ask to send donations to the account opened by the Committee with mandatory indication "Funds for treatment of Makhmud Ahmedov and Aishat Guseinova."

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