08 November 2010, 18:00

Communists in Volgograd celebrated November the Seventh with a meeting and a procession

A procession and a ceremonial meeting devoted to the 93-rd anniversary of October revolution passed off in Volgograd. Different sources evaluate the number of the participants from 1500 to 5000 people.

Before the beginning of the meeting 100 young communists passed forward in an orderly way from Lenin memorial to the Avenue of Heroes. At this point the rest of the participants joined them. Then the people accompanied by the music of brass band moved to the Fallen Warriors square where the meeting was held.

"What's the situation like now? - Alevtina Aparina, Secretary of the Volgograd Regional Committee of CPRF, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, asked from the tribune. - Who says the authorities are taking care of the people? What kind of care is this if unemployment is growing? Instead of taking measures against it, creating proper working conditions, they are making the enterprises stop functioning. Putin does not provide appropriate funds, therefore there are too few jobs and consequently no assignments to the budget".

She thinks "the region is occupied" by Muscovites who hold the office of Deputy Head of Volgograd regional Administration and manage major departments in the regime of shift work", IA "Vysota 102" reports.

By different estimations, from 1500 (Volgograd Department of Interior Affairs) to 5000 (Regional Committee of CPRF) people have taken part in the meeting and procession. According to Municipal Department of Interior Affairs, there were 2080 participants of the ceremony. However, activists of the party mentioned the number of 85 thousand people.

Meetings devoted to the 93-rd anniversary of October revolution were also held in other cities and towns of the South of Russia, in particular, as "Caucasian Knot" has already reported, in Vladikavkaz where the communists' meeting had to be moved from Svoboda square to the Palace of Pioneers because of a threat of terror.

Author: Svetlana Kravchenko Source: CK correspondent

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