Policemen in Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi on November 7, 2007. Photo from www.civil.ge by David Machavariani

08 November 2010, 19:00

Participants of oppositionists' action in Georgia are creating a "Book of Honour"

During the action held on November, 7, in front of the Georgian Parliament in Tbilisi by representatives of NGOs and members of the opposition it was decided to issue a "Book of Honour" where the desires of the residents of the country concerning the future of Georgia would we collected.

"Caucasian Knot" has already reported that on November, 7, in front of the Parliament in Tbilisi a meeting of representatives of non-governmental organizations and oppositional parties devoted to the third anniversary of force dispersal of a peaceful demonstration in the center of the capital of Georgia was held. By authority of the Mayor's office of Tbilisi a plank tribune in the square and a screen were erected where a documentary about the dispersal of the marchers on November, 7, 2007, was shown.

According to the organizers' concept, during this action each person who leaves a note in the book should sign the expression of distrust towards President Mikhail Saakashvili. The sheets of paper with the notes of those present will be scanned and collected in one book, "Interfax" reports.

In his speech David Magradze, leader of non-governmental organization "Defend Georgia", declared that "after the change of power in Georgia, November, 7, will always be celebrated as the Day of Honour".

Jondi Bagaturya, leader of "Kartuli dasi", said that November, 7, was an important date for the Georgian community and the current action was of great importance. "This is a demonstration of unity of the Georgian community and political spectrum", he emphasized.

According to Labourite Joseph Shatberasvili, "On November, 7, 2007, the Georgian community was brutally dispersed. That was the way Saakashvili treated his people. Today he is insane and now and then hides himself in Batumi while Georgia is divided into three parts", "Georgia Online" quotes him.

In her turn Eka Belelia, one of the leaders of the opposition, expressed her certainty that "the Georgian people are very close to victory". "On November, 7, 2007, the authorities committed a genocide of their own people and the people will judge them for it". According to Beselia, "A "big popular assembly" will be held in Tbilisi on November, 25, which will become the beginning of the end of the present regime".

The action of oppositional parties and NGOs passed off without incidents. About 300 people took part in it.

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