09 November 2010, 20:00

Medvedev is threatening with dismissal of the heads of the subjects of North-Caucasian Federal district

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev is ready to dismiss the heads of those republics of Northern Caucasus who are unable to put their law enforcement sphere in order. The President made this statement on November, 8, at the meeting with Alexander Khloponin, his plenipotentiary in North-Caucasian Federal district, Vice-premier of the Russian Federation.

Medvedev suggested Khloponin to discuss the state of affairs in law enforcement sphere of the region, "what has been done, which of the officials are working well and which are not, how some of the heads of the territories manage their duties".

"Those who are unable to work must not work and I will take the respective decisions", "Interfax" quotes Medvedev's statement.

Vladimir Vasilyev, Head of Security Committee of State Duma of the Russian Federation, thinks that the reason for the President's concern is quite clear to his mind, there really exist serious problems with the activities of law enforcement bodies in some of the North-Caucasian republics. "And the heads of these regions are to a great extent responsible for that", "Commercant" quotes Vasilyev's statement.

Among the regions where local authorities' work is worthy of emulation Vasilyev mentioned Chechnya "whose head pays very much attention to improvement of efficiency of law enforcement bodies' activities".

According to Abdulla Ismatulov, Head of "SK-strategy" research center, the President's strongly-worded statement is most probably a message to the Caucasian elites telling them who their career now depends on. "The President said he would dismiss the leaders according to his plenipotentiary's advice and in this way strengthened his influence upon the local elites", Ismatulov thinks.

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