30 March 2011, 22:10

Records, where figurants of Markelov's murder case discuss their weapons, made public at trial

At the Moscow City Court, where the murder case of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova is considered, prosecutors have released the bugging record, made in the flat leased by the defendants shortly before their detention. They discussed their impressive arsenal - numerous pistols and submachine guns, and the course of investigation into the murders of Markelov and Baburova.

Judging by the presented records, Tikhonov and Khasis were concerned about the statement of Stanislav Markelov's brother Mikhail, who said that in the course of his own investigation he detected Stanislav's gunman. He said that these were certain members of extremist organizations from abroad, the "Interfax" reports.

The figurants are trying to guess, whether Mikhail really knew who was behind the crime, or it was a deliberate provocation. "The BORN (Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists), which sits in Moscow, had taken responsibility for Markelov's murder. Maybe they specially moved this story that nobody could move anywhere," said Khasis, while Tikhonov suggested that power agents knew much and tried to guess who from their retinue could become a police informant.

In the course of their conversation, the defendants mention their friends - they call them Ed and Oper. "I went to Ed to ask for advice and took two pistols with me. I suspect they think that I did it," Tikhonov said, in particular. In response Khasis talks about Oper, who could be detained on the case. "You understand what would happen if they take Oper?" she asked.

However, the course of investigation into the murders is discussed without much detail. The defendants talk much more about their arms, the "Gazeta.Ru" reports. "It follows from the record that Khasis had relation to preparing handguns. Tikhonov and Khasis were deciding to whom of their friends they should bring all their guns and inspect their arsenal.

Besides, according to the records, Tikhonov and Khasis had planned, shortly before their arrest, to go to St Petersburg and were preparing to render resistance in case of an attempt of their detention.

Also, Tikhonov said in the records: "If not for the cops, I'd only go around and kill."

The defence has already treated the prosecutors' evidences, including the bugging records, as the rubbish not relevant to the case, the "Novaya Gazeta" writes.

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