08 April 2011, 18:00

A source in security services reports that the expertise does not confirm Dokku Umarov's death

DNA testing of the remains of the gunmen killed during the special operation in Sunzha district of Ingushetia on March, 28, among whom there supposedly might have been leader of Chechen gunmen Dokku Umarov has provided no corroboration of his death, a source in one of the Russian security services reported. 

According to a source in one of the Russian special services, DNA testing of the remains may take more time than it was expected. He said that the question of Umarov's death would remain without an answer several more months, RIA "Novosti" reports. 

"The expertise of genetic material has not yet confirmed the presence of Dokku Umarov's remains among the examined bodies. To carry this examination through and get a definite information whether Umarov was among those liquidated or not we will need more time, probably several months", the source said.

It should be mentioned that on April, 7, a man phoned to radio "Svoboda" and said that he was Dokku Umarov. The man who introduced himself as Umarov spoke the Chechen language. He declared than the Russian special services vainly hoped to find him among those killed. A report of North-Caucasian service RFE/RL runs that there are no reliable corroborations of the correspondents' talk with Umarov though the voice on the phone sounded like his. We mean the Caucasian service of radio "Svoboda" which has no direct connection with the Russian branch at whose web-site there is no information of a telephone talk with Umarov. 

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