Natives of Dagestan living in the village of Novy Yankul at their meeting with lawyer Abdullah Sarsakov, Andropov District of Stavropol Territory, May 11, 2011. Photo from Mr Sarsakov's blog (

12 September 2011, 18:00

Natives of Dagestan in Stavropol region state that local courts deprive them of dwellings and registration


Natives of Dagestan, residents of the settlement of Novy Yankul, Andropovsky district of Stavropol region, complain that the local court deprives them of registration and dwellings by its judgments. District court confirms the fact of bringing the verdicts stating that it had acted in accordance with the law. The authorities of Dagestan promised to take part in solving the problem.

"The court of Andropovsky district under the chairmanship of judge Tamara Kovalchiuk brought a verdict of granting the demand of Public prosecutor of the district Vitaly Smoliakov to acknowledge illegitimate the actions of the officials of the Administration of the settlement of Novy Yankul who registered two natives of Dagestan in the settlement", resident of Novy Yankul Murad Khalilov said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to him, 19 more Public prosecutor's similar demands were granted earlier. "Now all my fellow-countrymen have become tramps although they have lived several decades in this land and had a legal registration", Khalilov said.

Tamara Kovalchiuk acting for Chairman of Andropovsky district court confirmed the fact of bringing the verdict. "These people had lived in so called "points" and "sections" while one should live in settlements. According to expert opinion of Andropovsky department of Nevinnomyssk "District Technical Inventory", the premises where they lived were acknowledged non-residential and the law does not allow registration of citizens in such premises, that is the reason for taking decisions of their removal from the register", the judge explained.

According to lawyer Abdulla Sarsakov, calling the settlements "points" or "sections" is the authorities' fault, not that of the natives of Dagestan.

"The regional administration invited the Dagestanies to Stavropol yet in -60's of last century to work as shepherds at sheepfolds because local residents did not want to do this hard and second-rate job. The Dagestanies have discharged their duty before the state in full: they revived livestock farming in the region, each of them had registration and roofs over their heads and now they are in fact being banished from the region under farfetched pretexts", Sarsakov said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

He also stated that the Dagestanies were never summoned to court and the verdicts were sent to them after expiry of the appeal term.

Besides, the lawyer said that the status of the house and grounds belonging to the natives of Dagestan was changed in 2011 without visual inspection, just on the basis of documents issued yet in 2003.

Bekmurza Bekmurzaev, Minister of National Policy, Religious Affairs and External Relations of Dagestan thinks that the problems in Stavropol region will be solved soon.

"By order of President of Dagestan Magomedsalam Magomedov, I visited Stavropol region three times only this year. The situation is really hot here. Open and undercover policy of pressing-out the Dagestanies from homelike places, making them leave their property, especially shepherds' sheepfolds and the lands they rent, is being pursued. But we have complete mutual understanding with the authorities of Stavropol region and these people's problems will soon be solved, it is only important not to inflame the passions", the Minister said.

The "Caucasian Knot" has yet no comments from Stavropol regional or Andropovsky district authorities.

It should be reminded that Dagestani expatriates' community in Stavropol region numbers over 100 thousand people.


Author: Akhmed Magomedov Source: CK correspondent

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