Sochi, February 29, 2012, picketers against the policy of incumbent authorities, violations of human rights and electoral legislation. Photo by Svetlana Kravchenko for the "Caucasian Knot"

29 February 2012, 23:10

In Sochi, ecologists and defrauded real estate investors attend picket sanctioned by Mayoralty

Today, in Sochi, from midday till 6:00 p.m. the square near the city administration hosted a picket against the current government policy, violations of civil rights and election law. The protest action was attended by about 50 persons.

Let us remind you that the picket was sanctioned by the city authorities, the organizers indicated in their application that it may gather up to 100 persons. Besides, the organizers claimed that the picket, in particular, "was directed against Vladimir Putin's actions."

The participants of the today's protest action succeeded each other, cold weather and heavy rain hindered to hold the picket.

The picketers' posters sounded: "Power mocks people", "No more lie! No more steal!", "Sochi protests against judicial tyranny!", "Media are in information blockade", and other slogans.

"Despite the fact that I am a sick man, I have all the necessary documents, I am homeless since 2008. I was kicked out into the street by bailiffs, and the only housing was given to a stranger," says Alexei Salnikov, the native of Sochi, the participant of the picket.

The ecologist Vladimir Kimaev came to support the picketers from Krasnaya Polyana, where the "Ecological Watch for Northern Caucasus" monitored the Olympic facilities. According to him, during the construction of facilities, no construction and ecological standards are observed, and there is no state control over the destruction of nature.

The picket was also attended by the Sochi residents, who were left without housing.

"Barrack, where we lived, was set on fire. We were thrown into the street and on the place of the barrack the investor erected a huge skyscraper and sold the apartments. Despite the fact that we had been registered at the barrack, we do not receive an apartment. Bailiffs stand idle for many years, despite the court's decision available," says Dezdemona Dzhamburiya.

The labour veteran Nina Dubovaya claims that she has been fraudulently deprived of her property and that for a year already she cannot prove anything at the law enforcement agencies. According to Nina Dubovaya, law enforcement officers connive to commit frauds.

The picket was attended by defrauded real estate investors, living in Golenev Street and Mamaika residential district.

"The developer collected from the affected people nearly half a billion roubles and failed to provide promised housing," stated Olga Gorbacheva, the defrauded real estate investor.

"The company 'Vant' has collected money and gave us no housing," says affected Natalia Zakharenko.

Sisters Golubev claim that they have lost their own housing by the court's decision.

"However, at present we cannot even vote against the authorities, who deceived us, since we had been removed from the registration and thereby deprived of our right to vote," emphasize the sisters.

According to spouses Safronov from the residential district of Bytkha, the participants of the picket, officials have sold the National Park area for building and at present valuable trees are being savagely cut down there.

Author: Svetlana Kravchenko Source: CK correspondent

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