07 March 2012, 15:00

SC upholds sentence to Volgodonsk resident who exploded grenade on beach

The Supreme Court (SC) of the Russian Federation upheld the sentence to Leon Krivobokov, the resident of the city of Volgodonsk, who was sentenced by the Rostov Regional Court to 8.5 years of imprisonment at a high security colony for grenade explosion in a trading tent on the beach in the summer of 2010.

The Rostov Regional Court considered the case by a jury. As a result, the defendant was found guilty of arms traffic and attempt on murder of two or more persons. In late last October, the Court sentenced Leon Krivobokov to 8.5 years of imprisonment in the colony.

Today, the press service of the Rostov Regional Court reported that the convicted man filed an appeal against the court's verdict; however, "the judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation upheld the verdict and dismissed the arguments of the appeal filed by Krivobokov, the convicted person," the RIA "Novosti" reports.

According to investigators, Leon Krivobokov, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication, entered a beer tent on the beach and had a quarrel with one of the visitors, then he took out a hand grenade and threw it under the feet of his offender. The explosion injured 7 persons.

Earlier, the lawyer of Leon Krivobokov stated that his client was not going to kill anybody and that he himself was beaten.

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