19 March 2012, 09:00

Officials of the Department of Architecture of Makhachkala fined for inattention towards citizens

Public prosecutor’s office of Makhachkala fined three officials of the municipal Department of Architecture and Town planning for violations of the terms of considering the citizens’ appeals. All in all, Public prosecutor’s office registered 97 facts of such violations.

“Violations of the established order and terms of considering the appeals by the employees of the office manifest a low level of their implementation standard which results in the citizens’ new appeals to municipal Administration and other bodies and complaints of their unlawful action”, a representative of Public prosecutor’s office said.

A resident of Makhachkala told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent on the condition of anonymity that she had appealed to the Department asking to transfer one of the buildings in her courtyard into a status of a nonresidential premise.

“I waited for the results half a year and all the time I got replies to my calls and visits that my appeal was not yet considered. None of the officials could give a comprehensible reply to the question when I would get the results though I had submitted all the documents necessary for consideration”, the woman said.

Lawyer Abdulla Magomedov explained the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent that in accordance with the legislation, a written appeal submitted to a state body of power or local self-government or an official is considered within 30 days since the date of its registration.

Author: Karina Gadzhieva Source: CK correspondent

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