19 March 2012, 14:00

Relatives of man detained in Dagestan claim that he was beaten by policemen

Relatives of Abdurakhman Djakaev, accused of illegal possession of weapons, claim that he is subjected to periodical beatings by law enforcement agents. The policemen themselves deny all allegations and intend to criminate Sapiyat Magomedova, the detainee's lawyer, of slander.

Abdurakhman Djakaev was detained on March 1, when his house in the village of Mashalaul of the Khasavyurt District was approached by 25-30 armed men with military vehicles. Initially, the family members reported of his kidnapping; however, in a day it became known that Abdurakhman Djakaev was kept at the Khasavyurt ROVD (District Interior Division); although earlier the policemen denied that the detainee was kept at their place under arrest.

Sapiyat Magomedova, the lawyer of Abdurakhman Djakaev, state that her client was charged under the Article "illegal possession of weapons". However, the relatives of the accused man claim that the pistol seized during the search was planted to Abdurakhman Djakaev.

According to Sapiyat Magomedova, in the morning of March 19, the mother of Abdurakhman Djakaev called her and stated that her son was severely beaten on March 17.

"According to his mother, and she was informed about the incident by inmates of Abdurakhman through their friends, he got bruises, swells, and he cannot speak. I am leaving for Khasavyurt to meet my client," Sapiyat Magomedova was told by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to the comments of Marat Imavov, Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, given to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, "no one had violated anything." "I personally was not involved in any unlawful activities against Djakaev," Marat Imavov said. He has added that all the investigatory activities are conducted within the law.

Author: Karina Gadzhieva Source: CK correspondent

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