Women and children leave the CTO zone, Makhachkala, township of Semender, March 20, 2013. Still from the video posted on the website of the MIA of Dagestan,  http://05.mvd.ru

23 March 2013, 18:00

In Dagestan, relatives of Deputy Magomedaliev ask for help in finding him

Relatives of Magomedkhabib Magomedaliev, the chairman of the district assembly of the Untsukul District of Dagestan, who had been blocked by power agents in his house during the special operation, still cannot locate him and asked for help to the head of the republic.

At 6:00 a.m. on March 20, the CTO regime was introduced in the village of Semender. Magomedaliev's house was blocked; however, by 11:00 a.m. a source from among power agents said that law enforcers went to check another house. Relatives of the deputies said that he was still in one of the houses and blocked Akushinsky Avenue in Makhachkala. Their action, which was attended by more than 100 people, was stopped by the OMON (riot police).

According to a message that arrived at the SMS-service of the "Caucasian Knot", Magomedaliev's house was searched. Then, power agents asked the deputy to put on a helmet with a video camera and go into the opposite house.

From March 20, Magomedaliev cannot be reached by phone, said his mother. "We don't know where Magomedkhabib is now; and we aren't allowed to approach his house," Umasarat Magomedova told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

She added that the special operation in the village of Semender continued; this was confirmed to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent at the on duty unit of the Dagestani Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Author: Magomed Akhmedov Source: CK correspondent

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