12 April 2013, 16:15

Mikhail Savva, director of grant programmes at SRRC detained in Krasnodar

As reported by Irina Dubovitskaya, the head of the Krasnodar territorial public organization of graduates of Russian higher schools and a member of the Council under the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Mikhail Savva, the director of grant programmes of the Southern Regional Resource Centre" (SRRC), was detained today at 2:00 p.m. in Krasnodar and placed into the pre-trial facility of the FSB.

So far, the "Caucasian Knot" has no comments of FSB agents about the reasons for the detention of the human rights defender.

"On April 9, the SRRC was for the third time visited by inspectors, who again confiscated documents. FSB agents were interested in any documents of the organization; they took away some documents on the 2012 project "Legal Assistance to Migrants in Krasnodar Territory", which is not related to the grants provided by the administration of the territory," Mikhail Savva told earlier the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

It should be noted here that on April 15 Mikhail Savva was to present a report for the Krasnodar Territory at a special sitting of the Presidential Council on Human Rights entitled "Checks of NPOs: Resources Spent and Results Obtained".

"Mikhail Savva: behaviour of power agents at checking NPOs of Krasnodar Territory was incorrect", "Inspections are going on in Maikop office of “Environmental Watch”", "Picket against "Golos" held in Moscow".

Author: Natalia Dorohina Source: CK correspondent

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