16 February 2013, 16:00

EU urges Azerbaijani authorities to stop persecuting oppositionists and journalists

The European Union made a second statement within the last week in connection with the situation with human rights in Azerbaijan.

The EU's statement was made public on February 14 at a sitting of the OSCE's Permanent Council in Vienna. The document condemns the arrest of Ilgar Mamedov, the head of the social movement "Republican Alternative" (ReAl), and Tofiq Yagublu, the deputy head of the "Musavat" Party.

"The EU calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately release the two opposition leaders, as well as to ensure a transparent and fair investigation into the charges against them," the statement says.

The EU has also condemned the detention on February 12 in the north of Azerbaijan in the city of Khachmaz of two representatives of civil society – Djavid Nabiev and Gyunai Ismajlova.

The EU has also expressed its deep concern about the recent threats against the writer Akram Aylisli; and demanded from Baku to meet its obligations in the area of the freedoms of expression and speech, and ensure the writer's safety.

"In light of the upcoming presidential election in October... we urge the Azerbaijani authorities to create the conditions for an open political dialogue and renounce obstruction of civil society activists, politicians, journalists and potential presidential candidates," says the EU's statement.

See earlier reports: "In Azerbaijan, Court of Appeal leaves Ilgar Mamedov and Tofiq Yagublu in custody," "Politician who announced award for Akram Aylisli's ear warned about responsibility for incitement," "Arrested leader of "ReAl" Ilgar Mamedov nominated as presidential candidate."

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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