26 February 2013, 21:00

The court in Azerbaijan toughened prison conditions to convicted oppositionist Panakhly

A decision of toughening prison conditions to Neimat Panahly, Chairman of oppositional party of “National Statehood of Azerbaijan” (PNSA), was taken.

Earlier, the ”Caucasian Knot” reported that Panakhly together with his friend Djeikhun was detained on January, 8, 2001, upon a certain Eldar Rzaev’s statement. According to the investigation, the reason for the conflict was a disabled vehicle Panakhly sold to Rzaev. On June, 17, 2011, Nasimi district court of Azerbaijan sentenced Panakhly to six years of custody.

The decision of moving Neimat Panahly was taken during a circuit court by judge Afghan Gakhramanov in colony No 17 on February, 25. The reason for this judgment was a statement of Chief of the colony Arif Mirzoev running that Panakhly “regularly violates the routine and discipline”, Panakhly’s attorney Elchin Aliev reported.

Layer Aliev explained that the conditions is Gobustan prison were much more tough. “Unlike a general colony the convicts have no freedom of movement in the territory of the penal facility. Convicts in colonies live in common barracks while in Gobustan prison thy are kept in cells. Besides, Gobustan prison is located in a desolate area where the weather is sultry and hot in summer and very cold in winter”, the lawyer said.

Panahly and his attorney consider the judgment groundless and are going to appeal against in to the Appellate Court of Baku. “They are punishing Panakhly for his demand to respect his rights”, the lawyer added.

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