23 February 2013, 19:00

State Duma adopted a draft law on the right of the subjects of the Russian Federation to determine the order of election of heads of the regions independently

State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft law allowing the regions to determine the order of election of the governors independently.

According to the draft law, every region will take an independent decision on the order of election of its head, i.e. make a choice between election by direct voting and appointment by deputies of the regional parliaments. For this purpose each subject will need to adopt its own regional law.

Deputy of State Duma from “United Russia”, ex-Vice Premier of Dagestan Rizvan Kurbanov presented the draft law to his colleagues. According to him, in case if the region decides to reserve its right of direct governor’s election a statutory provision of the parties’ possible consultations on nomination of candidates with the President will still remain in the law, “Gazeta.ru” reports.

Head of “United Russia” fraction Vladimir Vasiliev pointed out that the deputies should not ignore appeals from the republics of Northern Caucasus concerning alteration of the order of electing head of a region. “People say: “The regions must have a right of an alternative variant of election of heads of the regions, different from direct election”, “Interfax” quotes Vladimir Vasiliev.

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