Police and emergency cars. Photo by press service of the Stavropol Territory Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs, http://26.mvd.ru

07 August 2013, 06:29

MIA: detainee kept in detention facility of Nevinnomyssk died of heart failure

A local resident, who died at the detention facility of Nevinnomyssk, was diagnosed with heart failure, and he often drank alcoholic beverages, and that became the cause of his death. This was reported by Evgeny Arnautov, the head of the press service of the Chief Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for the Stavropol Territory.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on August 4, a resident of the Stavropol Territory, born in 1960, who was serving his 15-day administrative arrest, died at a ward of the detention facility of the MIA. On July 25, he was detained in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

"The ward is under video surveillance. The man was lying on his side, he turned over in his sleep on his stomach and began to choke," Evgeny Arnautov has said. According to his story, the attempts to provide him with first aid made by staff members of detention facility were unsuccessful.

The Public Monitoring Commission (PMC) for the Stavropol Territory has reported that they know nothing about the incident. "We received no complaints from relatives of the deceased man," said Nikolai Borisenko, Chairman of the Stavropol PMC.

Nikolai Borisenko has also state that earlier, the PMC received no complaints about unlawful treatment of detainees at the detention facility of Nevinnomyssk.

Author: Magomed Tuayev Source: CK correspondent

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