07 May 2003, 20:19
Historical area in Northern Azerbaijan, on the western coast of Caspian sea, to the east from river Kurah. The name "Shirvan" ("Sharvan") becomes known in epoch of Sasanids (226-651) for a designation of a part of ancient Albania Caucasian, after Arran. In 654 Shirvan was occupied with arabs and later became hereditary possession of the Arabian deputies. In 799-1538 in Shirvan consistently ruled dynasties of shirvanshahs. At those times territories of Shirvan included all grounds from river Kurah up to the city of Derbent with the capital of Shemakha. In the times of Seldzhuk seizure Shirvan was the centre of struggle for independence of Azerbaijan. In the middle of 15 century Shirvan was the centre of agriculture, manufacture of silk and fabrics and played the important role in international trade (export of petroleum, cotton, etc.) . In 1465-66 communications of Shirvan and Russia were established. In Moscow in 1499 the ambassador of Shirvan negotiated for the conclusion of the contract "to friendship and consent". Shirvan was the large cultural centre where Haganee Shirvanee, Felekee Shirvanee and others created. While strengthening of the state of Sefeveeds Shirvan became dependent on them and since 1538 became a province of the Sefeveeds state. In 1748 in the territory of Shirvan an independent Shirvan khanate appeared.
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