07 May 2003, 20:57
The Abkhazian heroic epos about "bogatyr"-Godfighter Abskril. The hero of the epos, born wonderfully (from the pure maiden), soon became an invincible epic hero, protector of his people. He was also destroying ferns, prickles, wild grapevine, which interferred agriculture. Having decided to prove that he was capable to do what was under force only to a God, Abskril had entered competition with Supreme God Antsvah. Having adhered to a saddle the leather bags filled with huge boulders, Abskril rose in skies upon the winged horse-"arash". Dumping boulders, he made the noise similar to a heavenly thunder, and dissecting a sabre of a cloud, he was eliciting a lightning. Angry Antsvah ordered to catch Abskril and to grind him into a cave (Chiluokskaya cave in Ochamchir area of Abkhazia is named an "Abskril cave") where he was chained to an iron column together with his horse. Abskril loosens a column to pull it out, but when Abskril is close to it, the wagtail birdy sits on the column. Abskril raises at it with a hammer; the bird departs, and the hammer strikes on top of the column, driving it in the ground deeper than before. According to some latest versions, Abskril managed to be released, but being free he did not maintain a daylight, became blind and left in mountains. Abskril is typologically close to Amiranee in the Georgian mythology.
Since the 70s of 19 century some versions of the epos are written down and published in Russian. A. Ioakimov's (1873), I. Lihachyov's (1887), V. Gartskija's (1892) records are known.
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