A young woman in the national costume. Grozny, September 2014. Photo by Magomed Magomedov for the "Caucasian Knot"

17 December 2016, 13:00

Chechnya: female employees of state agencies complain about enforcement to work in hijabs

According to women, working in state institutions of Chechnya, they were obliged to come to work in the garment, completely covering their hair and forehead. The order is spread exclusively in the oral form, said the women.

"Earlier, you could just wear scarves and neck-pieces, but now – only hijabs... A few of my girlfriends work in state-funded (budget) organizations; and they warned that would not let to workplaces without hijabs to work will not start," a social activist named Kheda he told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Madina, a resident of Grozny, said that on December 13 her friends sent her by the "WhatsApp" an audio appeal of one of the local officials, who ordered bosses to warn their women-employees that they should come to work in hijabs.

Residents of the region note the authorities' inconsistencies in relation to hijabs.

"Once we are forced to wear them; another time, they find fault with those who wear them; then – cancel; and now they've decided to introduce hijabs again. Hijab is not a part of our national costume. Our girls used to wear large headscarves; some of them – just neckpieces. My acquaintance was detained a few years ago by power agents in Grozny for wearing a hijab, which covered a part of her chin," said a local resident named Zarema.

Let us remind you that on December 12, Chechen authorities demanded to bring schoolgirls' dresses into conformity with national traditions.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Source: CK correspondent

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