The administrative servants came to stop the power supply. Photo by Svetlana Kravchenko for the "Caucasian Knot"

27 January 2017, 00:49

Settlers in Adler suffer from power outage in cold weather

On January 26, the power supply of the "Neptune" boarding house in Adler, which accommodates the so-called "Olympic resettlers" and victims of natural calamities, was stopped. Under frost, the tenants of the boarding house, including five small children, could not cook food and warm themselves up.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on January 25, the tenants were warned about the power disconnection from January 26. They believe that this had to do with an attempt to evict them from the so-called "manoeuvrable municipal housing fund".

According to Svetlana Moiseenko, a mother of two children, the tenants are still there, because they have nowhere else to go.

The families of Manukov and Martynov, which also have children, said that they had telephoned all the power bodies of the city asking for help, but there was no response.

According to Mikhail Okhrimenko, a lawyer of the Territorial Bar Association, the disconnection of power supply of the premises, where there are tenants are, moreover with children, can be treated as deliberate creation of an emergency situation.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Svetlana Kravchenko Source: CK correspondent

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