Attack on road-and-patrol service checkpoint near the village of Yandare, November 5, 2017. Photo:

16 November 2017, 00:43

Law enforcers report three suspects detained after attack on Ingush checkpoint

Three residents of Ingushetia have been detained on suspicion of involvement in an attack on a road-and-patrol service (known as DPS) checkpoint (block post) near the village of Yandare, reported a source from the law enforcement agencies of the republic.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on November 5, a suicide bomber blew himself up in the building of the block post located in the village of Yandare in the Nazran District; while his accomplices began a shootout with policemen. The Russian National Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) reported two killed militants. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Ingushetia, six policemen were wounded. One of them died on the way to the hospital; the health condition of the rest remains stably grave.

According to the source, the detained Ingush residents are 21-25 years old, and they maintained close ties with the militants killed during the attack.

The detention of one of the suspects took place in the evening on November 8, and Anzor Nalgiev was detained by law enforcers in Karabulak, Anzor Pliev wrote on his Facebook page on November 9.

"The information about the detention is contained in official reports. According to a detainee's relative, the man was detained in connection with the investigation of the attack on the DPS checkpoint in the Yandare village. The guy was handed over by one of the attackers, who was taken alive. They say that he also handed over other several men," wrote Anzor Pliev with reference to the information of his relative, a law enforcer.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Umar Yavloi Source: CK correspondent

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