A fragment of the Comedy Club show about an escort girl from Ingushetia. Photo: screenshot of the video on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHsp1PEOAuU

11 December 2017, 21:23

Comedy Club show apologizes for their jokes about Ingush escort girl

The Comedy Club Production Company and Ekaterina Skulkina, an actress, have apologized for the show fragment, where one of the actresses played the role of an escort girl from Ingushetia. After the show was broadcast in social networks, users began threatening Comedy Woman actresses.

The users' outrage was caused by the fragment of the show staged by the Comedy Woman on the TNT TV Channel on December 8. According to the script, the mistress of an escort agency was scolding her employee from Ingushetia.

Instagram users reacted to the story extremely negatively.

"You'll beg pardon kneeling in front of every Ingush!", "You'll have to answer for every word against chaste Ingush women!", users wrote to the video fragment on the comedy_woman page.

Today, Andrei Levin, Director General of the Comedy Club Production, came to the permanent representative office of Ingushetia in Moscow to "apologize publicly for the show fragments, where they spoke incorrectly about girls from Ingushetia."

Ms Skulkina herself also stated that she "brings personal apologies to the Ingush people."

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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