The missile complexes "Polonez". Photo by Vladimir Blinov

12 June 2018, 08:53

Azerbaijan demonstrates new missile systems

The Armed Forces of Azerbaijan have received operative-tactical missile complexes (OTMC) "Polonez" and LORA, made, respectively, by Belarus and Israel.

The OTMCs were presented to President Ilham Aliev during his visit to the newly opened military unit of Azerbaijani Missile Forces.

According to the press service of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence (MoD), the maximum range of "Polonez" is 300 kilometres; the destruction radius is 310 meters.

The range of LORA complexes (LORA means LOng-Range Artillery Missile) exceeds 300 kilometres; the destruction radius is 100 meters.

According to Azad Isazade, a military expert, the "Polonez" and LORA complexes neutralize the Armenia's threats of its "Iskander" missiles.

"Now, Azerbaijan has weapons, by which Baku can strike a retaliatory blow on any military target not only in the occupied territories of Karabakh, but also in Armenia," Mr Isazade told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

The expert believes that the purchase of weapons by Azerbaijan will play a deterrent role and prevent any use of weapons of great destructive power.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Faik Medjid Source: CK correspondent

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