Unknown people push advocate Kuscheterov into a car. Screenshot from the video provided to the Caucasian Knot by Angela Urusova

04 July 2018, 09:40

Cherkessk lawyers report kidnapping of their colleague

Kemal Kuscheterov, a lawyer, was beaten up and kidnapped by unidentified people in Cherkessk after his dispute with law enforcers at the scene of investigatory actions, his colleagues have reported.

Kemal Kuscheterov, a lawyer of Branch No. 11 of the Cherkessk City Bar, was hired by relatives of Anatoly Kaznacheev to represent his interests; they asserted that law enforcers had planted ammunition on Anatoly. Tonight, the advocate arrived, in the interests of his client, at No. 10 in Kavkazskaya Street in Cherkessk, where some investigatory actions were taking place, Angela Urusova, a lawyer, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"Kuscheterov came up to law enforcers, introduced himself and tried to find out what investigatory actions were conducted. The officers didn't like his remark – they drove Kemal away from the venue of their operative activities. He was beaten up and kidnapped, the whereabouts of Kuscheterov is unknown," Ms Urusova said.

According to her story, several people were eyewitnesses of his kidnapping. "According to eyewitnesses, he was beaten up and pushed into a Lada Granta car," she has added.

Kamal's colleagues tried to establish his whereabouts by turning to the police; however, so far, it remains unknown.

According to Ms Kapusheva, the whereabouts of Anatoly Kaznacheev, the Kuscheterov's client, who was taken away by the officers, who conducted their operative activities, is also unknown.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 3, 2018 at 11:50 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: CK correspondent

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