27 May 2020, 14:42

"Syndicate-100" demands to find author of threats to journalist

Law enforcers should identify and hold accountable the social network user, who threatens to kill an employee of the Krasnoyarsk TV company (TVK) for her reposting an article about authorities' claims to the work of journalists, the association of editions named "Syndicate-100" has stated today in its open appeal.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on April 28, the "Syndicate-100" claimed that Russian authorities had begun to actively use the coronavirus pandemic to exert pressure on independent media.

The "Syndicate-100" was established in February 2020. At the initiative of the "Novaya Gazeta" newspaper, 25 Russian editions, including the "Caucasian Knot", came together to independently cover problems and publish materials on topical socially significant issues.

In its open statement, the "Syndicate-100" has demanded to find the person who threatened to execute Maria Bukhtueva, an employee of the TVK, and held him accountable.

"On May 25, 2020, in the VKontakte social network, threats were posted to Maria Bukhtueva in her personal page. A user registered under the name of Vasil Klimenko threatens the journalist with physical execution," says the journalists' statement posted today on the "Caucasian Knot".

The authors of the statement have drawn attention to the fact that the threats had been posted under the repost of the text of the "Novaya Gazeta", in which editors-in-chief of several Russian editions tell about the claims of the Russian General Prosecutor's Office (GPO) and the "Roskomnadzor" "in situations where the media are openly speaking about the problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic."

"We are seriously concerned about Maria's and her family's safety will closely monitor the development of the situation," says the statement of the "Syndicate-100".

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 27, 2020 at 10:00 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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