A law enforcer. Photo by the press service of the Russian National Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) http://nac.gov.ru/kontrterroristicheskie-operacii/v-dagestane-neytralizovany-shestero-banditov.html#&gid=1&pid=5

01 June 2020, 13:42

On May 25-31, at least two persons perished in armed conflict in Northern Caucasus

During the week of May 25-31, 2020, at least two people perished during the armed conflict in Northern Caucasus; there was no information about the wounded ones. These are the results of the calculations run by the "Caucasian Knot" based on its our own materials and information from open sources.

All the casualties are alleged members of the armed underground in Ingushetia.

Special and counterterrorist operations

On May 30, the regime of counterterrorism operation (CTO) was introduced in the city of Sunzha, Republic of Ingushetia. During the CTO, a group of militants was blocked; a shootout broke out, causing a fire. As a result of the armed clash, two alleged members of the armed underground were killed. Later, investigators reported that the casualties had been identified as Bilan Mereshkov and Ozdoev, natives of Ingushetia.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on June 1, 2020 at 03:31 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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