Law enforcers detain Zarema Musaeva. Screenshot of the video

26 January 2022, 15:02

Kadyrov's appeal to Yangulbaev brothers reveals his aim of abducting their mother

By ostentatious violence over Zarema Musaeva, her relatives are provoked to illegal actions in order to have a reason to punish them, analysts have commented on Ramzan Kadyrov's call to the woman's sons to come to Chechnya.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the head of Chechnya accused the Yangulbaevs of supporting terrorism and called on law enforcers to punish the family. Amid his threats, Saidi Yangulbaev, a retired federal judge, and his daughter left Russia.

On January 20, the "Committee against Torture" (CaT)* reported that Zarema Yangulbaeva (Musaeva), Saidi's wife, had been forced to Chechnya, where she was arrested, but the advocate is not allowed to visit her.

By means of such demonstrative violence against the woman, Kadyrov's critics are provoked to illegal actions, Alexei Malashenko, a political analyst and a rights defender, believes. According to his version, unless the brothers receive personal guarantees from Kadyrov, they will never return to Chechnya.

Mr Malashenko has noted that there were cases when a militants or someone whom the authorities treated as their opponent was killed, and then they dealt with those who came to avenge him.

Yangulbaevs' mother was abducted with the aim to force her sons to come to Chechnya, the rights defender has suggested, adding, "As soon as they are in Chechnya, several criminal cases will be opened against them. And few people will know about the violence against them," the source has concluded.

Chechen authorities act by the wartime tactics: they wound one in order to get those who come to help, Musa Taipov, a journalist and a Chechen refugee living in France, believes.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on January 25, 2022 at 10:05 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Roman Kuzhev Source: CK correspondent

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