30 May 2007, 19:10

Ingush refugees on hunger strike at the Council of Federation in Moscow

Today in the morning, 28 Ingush refugees have started a hunger strike at the building of the Council of Federation, Amir Bekbuzarov, Chairman of the Committee for the Matters of Forced Migrants from the Republic Northern Ossetia-Alania, reports.

"We want to return to the places of our former residence in North Ossetia - in Vladikavkaz and Prigorodny District. It will soon be 15 years after our exile from our home villages," he explained.

"We have started a preventive hunger strike. Once we are informed on the date of our meeting with President of Russia, the action will be suspended," Mr. Bekbuzarov has added. According to him, the militia has no claims to the hunger-strikers, the "Echo Moskvy" reports.

The "Caucasian Knot" has already informed that in the evening on May 25, the meeting in Moscow of Vladislav Surkov, Deputy Head of Russian President's Administration, with Amir Bekbuzarov, head of the group of refugees from the Prigorodny District, gave no results. Amir Bekbuzarov has reported that the meeting made no particular decisions, since President of the Republic of Ingushetia (RI) Murat Zyazikov had walked off from any active stand, having declared that he did not care of the problems of Ingush refugees.

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