Ramzan Kadyrov and Akhmed Belkharoev. Screenshot of the video posted on Kadyrov's Telegram channel on November 2, 2022 https://t.me/RKadyrov_95/3059

03 November 2022, 23:50

Belkharoevs' arrests in Ingushetia attract Kadyrov's attention

The head of Chechnya has stood up for the Belkharoev family, several members of which were arrested in Ingushetia. Ramzan Kadyrov has stated that the term "'Batalkhadjin terrorist community" is absurd, and the Belkharoevs will always be his close friends.

On October 27, law enforcers searched the house of Mustafa Belkharoev, the head of the Ingush Accounts Chamber, and detained him. Mikail Aliev, a Belkharoevs' relative and a former member of the Ingush Parliament, was also detained after the search. Sources have reported that Tukhan Zyazikov, an entrepreneur, was detained along with Belkharoev and Aliev. All the three were arrested for a month. On October 1, searches were conducted at the homes of the sons of a Mustafa Belkharoev's cousin; two persons were detained, Mustafa's son, Amirkhan Belkharoev, has informed.

According to Kadyrov, "information attacks intended to sow discord among Ingush families, have recently frequented." He believes that "Internet instigators" have activated after information about the detention of Belkharoevs' members.

"Even a new term has appeared, completely impossible and absurd – the 'Batalkhadjin terrorist community'. For me, the Belkharoevs, the followers of the venerable Batal-Hadji, will always be close brothers," Kadyrov has stated.

On November 2, 2019, Ibragim Eldjarkiev, the head of the Ingush CCE, and his brother were shot dead in Moscow. The murder was committed amid a conflict of a law enforcer with the followers of Sheikh Batal-Hadji. Relatives of Ibragim Belkharoev, a Sheikh's great-grandson, believed that Eldjarkiev and his subordinates could be behind the Sheikh's murder committed in December 2018 in Nazran.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on November 3, 2022 at 00:02 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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