A rally of the residents of the Aukh District  to mark the anniversary of the deportation. Photo: Alzhana Satikhanova https://ru.wikipedia.org/

23 February 2024, 17:53

Chechens from Aukh warned about inadmissibility of unsanctioned actions

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Vainakhs' deportation during the Great Patriotic War (WW II), Muslim commemoration rites will be held in the Novolaksky District of Dagestan, the public organization "Aukh" has informed. It its turn, the local prosecutor's office has warned the organizers that it is inadmissible to hold any unsanctioned actions, including rallies and pickets.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that in 2022 commemorative events to mark the anniversary of Vainakhs' deportation during WW II were banned in the Novolaksky District of Dagestan. The local Chechen community treated such authorities' actions as offensive. Despite the ban, several dozen people gathered at the mourning rally.

On February 23, in the outskirt of the village of Novokuli, Novolaksky District of Dagestan, a mourning event will be held in memory of the victims of Chechens' deportation in 1944, Adam Machaev, a member of the public council of the Dagestani regional public organization "Aukh", has informed, adding that the Chechens living in Dagestan will gather at the monument to the victims of Stalin's repressions, which is popularly called the "Stone of Sorrow."

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 22, 2024 at 11:07 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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