Abdulmumin Gadjiev. Photo: https://memohrc.org (included into the register of foreign agents)

06 March 2024, 17:19

Advocate claims protraction in reconsidering case of Dagestan journalist Gadjiev

The appeal against the sentence of Dagestani journalist, Abdulmumin Gadjiev, was lodged back in September 2023, but the case hearing has not yet been scheduled, although the law prescribes to do it within two months, his advocate has stated.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Rizvan Zubairov, one of the three judges who had passed the sentence to Abdulmumin Gadjiev, a journalist of the "Chernovik" (Draft) outlet; Abubakar Rizvanov, the head of the "Ansar" Fund; and Kemal Tambiev, an activist, in his dissenting opinion criticized the grounds for the guilty verdict and actually acquitted Gadjiev, whose relatives expressed hope that the appellate instance would take the judge's dissenting opinion into account.

Arsen Shabanov, the advocate, has informed that the appeal against Gadjiev's sentence was filed back in September 2023, but no hearing thereon has yet been scheduled, although by the law the appeal complaint must be considered within two months after lodging.

The court explains the protraction by organizational difficulties, the advocate has added.

Magomed Magomedov, a deputy editor-in-chief of the "Chernovik", said that interest and sympathy for Gadjiev's fate have not decreased; and there are still people who react positively to the solo pickets held in his support.

"Many motorists honked their horns as a sign of support. Passers-by take photos; there is QR code in the poster, and they scan it. Sometimes they come up and ask questions," Mr Magomedov has explained.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 5, 2024 at 04:31 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Naim Suleimanov Source: СK correspondent

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