A "Rosgvardiya" (Russian National Guard) fighter standing next to the ballot box at a polling station in Krasnodar. Screenshot of the video published on the website of the "Map of Election Violations" project on March 17, 2024 https://www.kartanarusheniy.org/messages

18 March 2024, 20:32

Pressure on observers and ballot stuffing fixed in Southern Russia

In the Southern Federal District (SFD), on the third day of voting at presidential election, complaints were recorded about ballot stuffing, violation of voting secrecy, and an attack on an observer. According to the "Map of Election Violations" project, a total of 142 violations were reported.

The largest number of complaints came from the Krasnodar Territory.

It follows from the data posted on the website of the "Map of Election Violations", which is run by the "Golos" (Vote) movement*, at one of the polling stations in Krasnodar, a stack of ballots was found in a ballot box; and Natalia Filippova, an observer, was attacked. In order to prevent her from filming, an unknown man grabbed her and tried to snatch the equipment out.

At another polling station in Krasnodar, a voter reported interference with observers' movement around the station.

There were also complaints about violations of the voting secrecy. Thus, a voter reported that a "Rosgvardiya" (Russian National Guard) fighter was standing next to the ballot box, trying to examine the marks in the ballots.

In the Volgograd Region, 11 violations were recorded, in particular, an observer complained about the presence of a camera right in a voting booth.

*On August 18, 2021, the "Golos" (Vote) all-Russian public movement in defence of voters' rights was included in the new register of unregistered public associations performing the functions of a foreign agent. The movement's website is blocked in Russia.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 17, 2024 at 09:02 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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