Sergey Mitrohin

23 January 2009, 00:00

Mitrokhin claims difficulty of appealing against the court ruling on the murder of Babaev in Dagestan due to threats to witness

Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the party " Yabloko", claims that not all persons guilty of murdering Farid Babaev, leader of Dagestan " Yabloko", have been brought to justice. However, it is difficult to appeal against the court ruling because the key witness for the prosecution was threatened in the court room.

"As for Rasil Mamedrizaev, we agree with the sentence, it is an adequate punishment. However, we are fully against the acquittal of Seferali Sefimirzoev because his guilt has been proved. During the trial, he repeatedly changed his testimony with regard to his alibi, first he claimed to be in one place on the day of the murder, then in another. The defense lawyers could not explain why Sefimirzoev changed his testimony", explained Mitrokhin to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"No one has refuted the prosecution evidence that Sefimirzoev bought a car for transporting Mamedrizaev and took him to the car, as well as took part in planning the murder. Additionally, the jury admitted that a criminal group had been organized. But then it is not clear who was in the group since Sefimirzoev is acquitted ", states Mitrokhin who attended the trial.

According to him, the state prosecutor and the victims are now considering the issue of appealing against court sentence. "But there is a concern that pressure is going to be exerted on the witness and the jury. Unfortunately, there are grounds to suspect this. The lawyer's phrase "think about your relatives, we know where they live", addressed to the witness who pointed to  Mamedrizaev, was highlighted by Farid Babaev's brother and the lawyer admitted that he had said it", states the " Yabloko" leader.

Arthur Babaev, Farid Babaev' brother, has confirmed to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the relatives have not yet decided on appealing against the court ruling.

"Our family has not been threatened. However, there were threats to the jury right in the court room", claims Arthur.

Arthur Babaev also thinks that the verdict means the search for the person who ordered the murder will be stopped.

Meanwhile, Sergei Mitrokhin told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the " Yabloko" would continue its work in Dagestan despite any difficulties.

Author: Anastasia Kirilenko Source: CK correspondent

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