
23 March 2009, 22:10

Residents of Chechnya are ambiguous as to Kadyrov's meeting with Putin

In Chechnya, people are differently assessing the meeting on March 20 in Moscow of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Television reports about the meeting were broadcast not only by the federal, but also by local TV Channels in Chechnya. However, as the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has managed to clear out, many residents of the Chechen Republic are asking why Ramzan Kadyrov discussed the problems of his republic not with President Dmitri Medvedev, but with the Prime Minister.

"The fact that during his presidency Dmitri Medvedev has practically never met Ramzan Kadyrov suggests that they have some problems in relations," one of Chechen political scientists, who asked not to mention his name, has noted.

"People were also bewildered with the report presented by Kadyrov to Putin. The former asserted that his republic has no problems with payment of salaries, and there are no debts on wages and various allowances," the scientist continued. "But here, to put it mildly, he plays a little cunning. Take, for example, the 'Spetsstroj'. The workers there, in particular, at the automobile enterprises members of this association, complain of having received their salaries for last December only. Moreover, the salaries were halved, or cut even more."

Some residents of Chechnya support this opinion. "Putin spoke with Kadyrov about payment of compensations for the houses and property lost in the warfare. For six years already neither Moscow nor Grozny can solve the problem. Here, they proclaim that money is being issued, show on TV some two-three lucky guys who got their money, as an ad, then, everything stops. Lists are incorrect, or money is still away," Movladi Israilov, 49, a resident of Grozny, said.

"When Ramzan Kadyrov told Putin that the republic has created about 20,000 new jobs and plans to have some 15-20 thousand more by the end of year, I felt funny to listen. None of large enterprise or plant has been completely restored, how can you create jobs without it? People are fired in organizations," said Alavdi Kaisarov, another resident of Grozny.

Author: Alexander Ivanov Source: CK correspondent

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