13 October 2006, 21:44

Anniversary of mutiny in Nalchik: versions of the events greatly differ

On October 13, 2005, at 9 a.m. sharp, 13 targets were simultaneously attacked in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria: KBR MIA, RF FSS Directorate for KBR, Nalchik departments 1,2,3 of internal affairs, Center "Т", Nalchick border guards, federal tax service directorate for KBR, KBR MIA riot militia squad, KBR MIA patrol militia, a traffic militia post, and two shops selling ammunition.

An attack on the KBR MIA directorate on fighting organized crime, one more target, was prevented by pure chance.

Louisa Orazayeva, journalist working over a book on the causes and consequences of October 13, 2005 events:

"During the anniversary of the October tragedy in Nalchik, the republic's community is actively discussing the causes which have led to the October 13 events.

The first version is an official one. Its idea is in that the aim of the insurgents was breakdown of the integrity of Russia, change of the constitutional regime and creation on the territory of the entities in North Caucasus of a state ruled by Sheriat. The insurgents were part of a clandestine Islamic organization financed from abroad and widespread in North Caucasus.

The version which may be conventionally called the "parents'" one is that the rebellion was provoked by unjustified repressions, beatings and torture to which their sons had been subjected by militia.

In my view, one of the main causes of the October 13 events was the idea of jihad, a war with the infidels".

In the opinion of Valeri Khatazhukov, leader of the Kabardino-Balkaria human rights center, Islam in the KBR has no historical and cultural roots like in Dagestan and Ingushetia, which fact may help avoid the developments according to the scenario of those republics.

"After the resignation of the previous regime, the public and political situation has improved, many people call it a "thaw", and this also strips extremists of ground for dissatisfaction. Rumors about searches and even about facts of beatings periodically appear, but there are no violations of religious rights, as happened before," says Valeri Khatazhukov.

Fatima Tlisova, chief editor of the "Regnum" agency for North Caucasus: "The year after the events of the thirteenth, from the point of view of the mojaheds' activity in Kabardino-Balkaria, has been very quiet as compared with other regions of the Caucasus. During this time, the military jamaat under the leadership of Anzor Astemirov (Seifulla) has organized no serious actions, except the murder of one chief of the district militia and wounding of an officer of the Directorate on fighting organized crime. However, the jamaat has not assumed the responsibility even for these acts. When assessing previous actions of Astemirov one may draw a conclusion that, in principle, his tactics lies in major military operations requiring long and careful preparation. What kind of operation is Astemirov preparing in 2006? What are his human and technical resources? One could only guess ".

According to official data, 35 law enforcement officers and 12 civilians were killed during the attack on Nalchik. 100 people more, mostly secret service officers, were wounded. The losses of the militants amounted to 94, 69 were captured alive, more than 20 are in federal search. Upon investigation, 69 detainees have been charged under nine articles of the RF CC: terrorism, murder, armed rebellion, infringement on the life of militia officers, etc.

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