25 April 2007, 23:00

SC to decide on resuming hearings of Khlebnikov's case

On May 16, the Supreme Court of Russia will consider the issue of resuming the hearings of the murder case of Paul Khlebnikov, editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the Forbes magazine. "Our complaint on illegality of the Moscow City Court's ruling to suspend the litigation and on arrest in absentia of Kazbek Dokuzov will be considered by the Supreme Court on May 16," advocate Alexander Chernov, who represents Dukuzov's interests, has stated.

Earlier, the Moscow City Court had suspended the judicial investigation into the Khlebnikov's murder case because of Dukuzov's non-appearance to the process, the RIA "Novosti" reports. Later, the Court ruled on the freedom restriction measure for him to be arrest in absentia.

The "Caucasian Knot" informed earlier that Paul Khlebnikov was killed in Moscow on July 9, 2004. The investigation later declared, that it had established the customer of Khlebnikov's murder - Khozh-Ahmed Nukhaev, a resident of the Chechen Republic. Now, there two Chechen natives involved in the case - Musa Vakhaev and Kazbek Dukuzov, and also Moscow notary Fail Sadretdinov.

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