13 March 2008, 15:24

Court in North Ossetia rejects complaint of "Voice of Beslan"

Today, the Promyshlenny Court of North Ossetia has rejected the complaint lodged by the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan" on recognition of the examinations of the bodies of the terror act victims to be illegal.

"The Court has found the experts' actions to be lawful. We were offered to exhume the bodies, but it won't answer our questions. We cannot establish the intravitam or post-mortem body charring. Or the cause of people's death: self-made terrorists' explosives or power agents' bullets. This is the guilt of experts and inspectors. However, they told us that a comprehensive research is inexpedient," Ella Kesaeva, leader of the "Voice of Beslan", told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to Ms Kesaeva, another motive of the Promyshlenny Court's rejection of the victims' complaint was that the preliminary investigation of the terror act in Beslan was still underway, and only once it is completed, the victims would learn everything.

"It was one of the most fundamental and important trials," Ella Kesaeva has noted.

The "Voice of Beslan" has disagreed with the Court's decision and tomorrow, on March 14, will lodge a cassation complaint against the decision.

Today, the Pravoberezny Court of Beslan has again postponed the hearing on charging the "Voice of Beslan" of extremism - again because of non-appearance of the Public Prosecutor of Ingushetia Aushev.

The next session was appointed on March 21.

Author: Emma Marzoyeva, CK correspondent

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