03 April 2008, 15:03

Five more persons join hunger strike in Azerbaijan

The number of hunger-strikers in Azerbaijan goes up: today, five new participants have joined the protest action. These are Deputy Panakh Gusein, Rauf Arifoglu, editor-in-chief of the "Eni Musavat" newspaper, Fuad Mustafaev, deputy chairman of the People's Front Party, Avaz Temirkhan, acting chairman of the Liberal Party, Ali Insanov, ex-minister of public health of Azerbaijan, and PM Igbal Agazade.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed about it by Azer Akhmedov, director of the "Azadlyg" newspaper. He added that Natik Dzhavadly, correspondent of the "Bizim Yol" newspaper, has to stop his hunger strike because of health problems.

In his turn, Shakhvalad Chobanoglu, editor of the "Gyundelik Azerbaijan" newspaper, said that during the hunger strike Einullah Fatullaev has grown very thin and extremely weak. He is now in the prison medical unit and does not complain of any pressure on him. At the same time, the journalist has stated that he will continue his hunger strike to the end, until the СЕ and OSCE present their explanations on the mechanism of how "prisoners of conscience" should be released, Mr. Chobanoglu has noted.

He also added that from today satirist Sakit Zakhidov who is kept in Colony No. 14 will also join the hunger strike.

Author: Rafael Gasanov, CK correspondent

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