18 September 2008, 23:31

FSB prevents Beslan-like school capture in Dagestan

According to the version of the FSB (Federal Security Bureau), the group of 10 militants liquidated on September 17 in Dagestan had planned to capture a secondary school located in the Suleiman-Stalskiy District of the Republic.

We remind you that yesterday, at about one a.m., in the suburb of Smurt village, a group of militants were detected, which rendered armed resistance to law enforcers, when the latter tried to detain them. The militants were liquidated by response fire. One employee of the Republic's FSB Department was lost, and another one wounded.

The "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" reports that the militants' car was full of ammunition; seven sub-machine guns, explosives, an essential stock of foodstuffs and religious literature were found there. The officials of the FSB Department for Dagestan assert that the militants had planned to capture one of rural secondary schools in the Suleiman-Stalskiy District.

According to the FSB, all the murdered militants have been identified. Five of them were in the federal search as active members of illegal armed formations, and the other five, according to operative information, were militants' aides.

Let us note here that on September 9  information appeared about an attempt to capture the school in Komgaron village (North Ossetia); thereafter, worried citizens made a lot of calls to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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