30 September 2008, 14:46

In capital of Chechnya, 26 families of forced migrants are at risk to remain homeless

The 26 families of forced migrants who live in the so-called "hostel for persons in need of improvement of their housing conditions" (this is the way they now call, after an enforced decision of Chechnya's leadership, former Refugees' Temporary Accommodation Centres (TAC), located in the Republic), situated in the Staropromyslovskiy District of the city of Grozny, can remain homeless within the next few days.

"Officials from local administration are coming here practically every day demanding that we immediately abandon the building. But where should we go?" one of the women-inhabitants of the former TAC, located in Koltsova Street, Staropromyslovskiy District of the Chechen capital, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. "We've repeatedly addressed Supyan Makhchaev, administration head of the Urus-Martan District asking him to help us in getting back there, but he wouldn't even listen."

According to her version, forced migrants should be accepted in those districts, where they had lived earlier and "practically everywhere they help people, provide temporary housing facilities, some rooms, but, for some reason, not in our case." The woman added that the head of the administration "behaves extremely roughly and cynically" and openly offends people.

We remind you that the main argument in favour of closing the TAC was in that "the refugees' environment" was rendering "the degrading influence on the Chechen culture". Early in 2007, President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov proclaimed that the territory of Chechnya should be free from hostels and temporary accommodation centres.

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    The Oktiabrsky District Court of Novorossiysk has dismissed Yuri Mikhailov's lawsuit for compensation for the fact that after staying in jails in Novorossiysk and in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), he was infected with HIV and hepatitis. This was reported by his advocate, Svetlana Toreeva.

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