

October 24, 2021 12:12

  • Participants of the interrupted streams apologize for their "inappropriate behaviour." Screenshot of the post from the stop_live_095 community on Instagram "Society medics" post example of their work with Chechen streamers

    The TikTok bloggers who failed to respond to the call to behave with dignity have paid for their behaviour, the authors of the community "Stop Live Air" have reported and posted a new video about one of the interrupted streams. The number of bloggers with "inappropriate" behaviour in social networks has dropped significantly after Magomed Daudov's statement, said Mansur Soltaev, a member of the Russia's Public Chamber.

October 24, 2021 12:05

October 23, 2021 14:20

  • Doctors provide medical help to Saakashvili in jail

    On the 22nd day of his hunger strike held in Rustavi Prison, Mikheil (Mikhail) Saakashvili, a former Georgian President, received a blood transfusion due to the deterioration of his blood tests, his personal doctor, Nikoloz Kipshidze, has informed, adding that his patient needs treatment in a civilian hospital.

October 23, 2021 14:14

October 23, 2021 14:10

October 23, 2021 14:01

October 23, 2021 13:43

  • Istanbul. Photo: Turkish authorities appoint state guards to leaders of Chechen Diaspora

    After a special operation conducted by Turkish law enforcers, who detained six foreigners accused of espionage and plotting attempts on lives of Chechen oppositionists, authorities decided to provide state security to activists of the Chechen Diaspora living in Turkey have. Chechens in Turkey have strengthened their own security measures, Diaspora members have noted.

October 23, 2021 12:08

  • A girl makes a public apology for offending believers' feelings. Screenshot Users of Chechen public dispute about apology practice

    You can't force people to respect one's faith; and forcing a girl in Krasnodar to make a public apology, when she repented to the camera of offending believers' feelings, can provoke an action in her support, Instagram users have noted. However, most users have found that public apologies help to defend Islam.

October 22, 2021 23:59

  • Armenian and Azerbaijani analysts agree on assessment of détente between Baku and Tehran

    Iran tried to restrict air traffic between Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (NAR), but those measures are ineffective, expert Azad Isazade notes. Iranian cargo carriers will not have any conflicts with Azerbaijani border guards on the road from Goris to Kapan, because they will wait for the opening of an alternative road, Armenian experts for Iranian studies suggest.

October 22, 2021 23:57

October 22, 2021 23:54

October 22, 2021 23:51

October 22, 2021 14:11

  • Dina Shagidaeva. Screenshot of the video by ANSAMBLE NOHCHO Director of Chechen Philharmonic Society voices out threats to amateur singers

    Only cultural workers have the right to sing and act as performers, while the creativity of amateur singers will be suppressed, Dina Shagidaeva, the director of the Grozny State Philharmonic Society, has stated. In their turn, residents of Chechnya have objected by stating that singing songs is a way of self-expression.

October 22, 2021 14:09

October 22, 2021 13:52

October 22, 2021 13:47

  • Oyub Titiev, Alexander Likhtman. Photo by the Human Rights Centre “Memorial” (the organization has been put on the register of foreign agents by the Russian Ministry of Justice), press service of the LOUD 2021 MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS AWARD. Collage by the "Caucasian Knot" Analysts explain persecution of streamers by Chechen authorities

    The harassment of bloggers in the Chechen Instagram public at the initiative of Magomed Daudov, the Speaker of the Chechen Parliament, is caused by authorities' desire for total control over all spheres of life, analysts believe. The administrators of the public have posted two new videos with "education" of girls and promised that the demand from men "will be still greater."

October 22, 2021 13:40

October 22, 2021 13:31

October 22, 2021 12:55

  • Sardar Babaev. Photo by the user Maide Az Azerbaijani theologian Babaev accused of treason

    Sardar Babaev, a Shiite theologian and a member of the public association "Spiritual Workers of Azerbaijan", has been arrested for four months and charged with treason. The relatives of the other four detained members and supporters of the association are unaware of their fate.

October 21, 2021 23:21

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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