

February 06, 2019 13:11

  • Bread. Photo: Couleur, Residents of Abkhazia criticize authorities for raising bread price

    In Abkhazia, bread makers explain they had to raise bread prices because of an increase in the cost of flour and gasoline. Residents of the republic express their fears that after the increase in the cost of bread, the prices for other food and goods of general consumption will also grow.

February 06, 2019 13:10

  • A border guard at the "Engur" checkpoint Sputnik / Sergei Pyatakov Abkhazia temporarily opens border with Georgia

    Since February 5, the border between Abkhazia and Georgia is temporarily open, but the quarantine regime of its crossing is still valid. If the situation with the swine flu in Georgia deteriorates, the border will be closed again, reports Temur Nadaraya, the head for the administration of the Gali District.

February 06, 2019 08:44

  • Islam Gugov at a court session. Photo by Konstantin Volgin for the "Caucasian Knot" Defence of KBR resident-returnee from Syria to challenge verdict at ECtHR

    The decision of the Russia's Supreme Court (SC), which has refused to reconsider the verdict to Islam Gugov, a resident of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), who has voluntarily returned from Syria, will be appealed against at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), his advocate has stated.

February 06, 2019 08:37

February 06, 2019 08:34

  • A map fragment with the border between  Dagestan and Chechnya across Lake Kezenoi-Am. Screenshot of a picture published on Shamil Khadulaev's page Chechnya and Dagestan split Lake Kezenoi-Am

    The discussion of the Dagestani-Chechen border in Grozny passed without conflict, said Shamil Khadulaev, a member of the Dagestani delegation, showing a map fragment with the border across Lake Kezenoi-Am. Residents of Dagestan called on the authorities to ensure the open process of delimitating the border with Chechnya.

February 05, 2019 23:55

February 05, 2019 23:52

February 05, 2019 20:09

February 05, 2019 20:01

February 05, 2019 19:57

  • The Yerevan State University. Photo: Սէրուժ Ուրիշեան (Serouj Ourishian) In Yerevan, scientists protest against threat of mass layoffs

    250 researchers from the Yerevan State University (known as YeSU) will lose part of their income and other 200 will lose their jobs due to the fact that the Armenian Cabinet of Ministers revised the financing of scientific projects, scientists state. They believe the government's decision contradicts the law and threaten to hold protest actions.

February 05, 2019 19:52

February 05, 2019 15:57

February 05, 2019 15:57

  • CoE criticizes restriction of national minorities' rights in Azerbaijan

    National minorities in Azerbaijan are restricted in their right to express opinions and face difficulties in learning in their native language, while Talyshes and Lezgins are unreasonably accused of separatism, a Committee of the Council of Europe (CoE) has stated. The restrictions on the rights of national minorities are a consequence of the general restriction of democratic freedoms in Azerbaijan, Togrul Djuvarly, a political analyst, has stated.

February 05, 2019 15:54

  • Ovannes Galstyan, an Armenian filmmaker. Photo SPUTNIK / ANDRANIK GHAZARYAN Ovannes Galstyan Armenian filmmaker goes on hunger strike at Parliament

    Ovannes Galstyan, an Armenian Film Director, has demanded to resume funding the film "My Granma's Curls". He stopped his first hunger strike last December after meeting the Minister of Culture, but resumed it due to non-fulfilment of agreements.

February 05, 2019 13:44

February 05, 2019 13:42

February 05, 2019 08:32

  • A policeman. Photo by Yelena Sineok, Policeman wounded at attack in Nalchik dies

    Aslan Balkarov, the DPS (road-and-patrol service) inspector, who was wounded in the attack committed in Nalchik, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) on January 25, has died in hospital on Monday, February 4, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) has informed.

February 05, 2019 08:30

  • Two oppositionists detained in Baku

    Amil Mamedzade, an activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), detained on Monday, February 4, 2019, has been sentenced to 25 days of arrest. The fate of activist Elnur Djabbarly is not yet known, said Ilham Gusein, member of the PFPA's Presidium.

February 04, 2019 23:59

February 04, 2019 23:57

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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