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February 21, 2006 19:00

February 20, 2006 22:00

  • Human rights activist Osman Boliev hospitalized in Dagestan after tortures

    The appointed for today at the Khasavyurt City Court of Dagestan consideration of the criminal case of human rights activist Osman Boliev, accused of illegal purchase, storage and bearing of weapons, has not taken place because of the disease of the defendant, Boliev himself called up the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent from the therapeutic ward of the Khasavyurt City Hospital, where he was placed late last week with complaints on cardiac, head and backbone pains and general weakness.

February 20, 2006 21:00

February 20, 2006 20:00

February 20, 2006 19:00

  • UN Commissioner amazed with disastrous situation of immigrants in Ingushetia

    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbur was struck by the disastrous state of forced migrants from Chechnya and North Ossetia who are now sheltered by Ingushetia. The situation with temporary refugees was the central topic of Ms Arbur's meeting with President of Ingushetia Murat Zyazikov in the city of Magas. "Despite all the efforts obviously undertaken by the Republic and international organizations, these people live in extremely disastrous conditions. It is also obvious that they've been living in these conditions for a very long time already," the High Commissioner has added.

February 20, 2006 18:00

February 18, 2006 19:00

February 18, 2006 18:00

  • "Lack of alternative" military service issue is raised ever so often in Nagorny Karabakh

    According to NGO Centre of Civil Initiatives from Nagorny Karabakh, the following religious organizations act in Karabakh: "Jehovah's Witnesses" (from 1993, 200 members), "Evangelist Baptists" (from 2000, about 20 members), "Christian Evangelist Faith" (from 1999, 350 members), "Seventh-Day Adventists" (from 2000, 40 members), "Evangelist Church" (from 1995, 600 members), "Jesusists" (data not available).

February 16, 2006 18:00

  • State of health of Azeri ministers accused of attempted coup d'etat deteriorates again

    The military medical commission under the Ministry of National Security has completed its expert examination of Ali Insanov, ex-Minister of Health, accused by the authorities of attempted coup d'etat. The examination results show that Insanov suffers from hypertension and spinal hemia. According to the ex-minister lawyers, the military medical commission recommends outpatients treatment of the diseases. However, the defence does not agree because spinal hemia can not be treated at the outpatients department.

February 15, 2006 20:00

  • Kidnapped Chechnya resident found in pre-trial prison

    Today, the relatives of Ertshkho Sultanovich Khachukaev, born in 1983, kidnapped resident of the Achkhoi-Martan village in Chechnya, have learnt about his location. According to the family members, he was kept for two weeks by a power authority in the Urus-Martan district centre and now has been transferred to the Grozny pre-trial prison, runs the press-release of the Chechen-Russian friendship society handed over to the "Caucasian Knot".

February 15, 2006 19:00

  • Hearings on murder of Khlebnikov to resume today

    Hearings on the murder of Paul Khlebnikov, chief editor of the Forbes magazine Russian version, will re-start today at Moscow city court, as the Moscow city court press-secretary Anna Usacheva has informed the RIA "Novosti." The hearings are to be resumed after a long break. "The court session will start anew from the preliminary hearings. The parties will submit their petitions, including a petition on consideration of the case by a single judge or by a jury," says Usacheva.

February 15, 2006 19:00

February 14, 2006 18:00

  • Sadretdinov accused of murdering Khlebnikov could attempt a suicide due to torture

    On February 13, 2006, Fail Sadretdinov, Moscow notary accused of complicity in the murder of Paul Khlebnikov, chief editor of the Forbes magazine Russian version, submitted an address to Tikhomirov A.V., chief of pre-trial prison 77/5, and to his defence lawyer Е.L. Liptser. From these addresses and from the description of torturous conditions of detention it may be seen what exactly made the inmate of cell number 04, an invalid of category 2, risk this act of despair, runs the report of information agency "For Human Rights" submitted to the "Caucasian Knot"

February 13, 2006 21:00

  • Human rights activists criticize S. Dmitrievskiy's verdict

    Today, the court has brought its verdict to Stanislav Dmitrievskiy: 2 years of suspended sentence, 4 years on probation, prohibition to change residence. The criminal case was initiated last January under article 282, para 2 of RF CC, "actions aimed at stirring hate or hostility... on the basis of race, nationality... membership in a social group."

February 13, 2006 20:00

  • "Memorial" HRC: a criminal case is being framed against Chechen resident M. Mukhaev

    The human rights centre "Memorial" reports that a criminal case is continued to be framed against Mekhti Mukhaev, family member of an applicant to the European Court on Human Rights. The "Memorial" HRC reported previously that Mekhti Mukhaev, family member of applicants to the Strasbourg court, was unlawfully detained and subjected to torture in order to falsify a criminal case against him. Mekhti Mukhaev, born in 1958, is a resident of the mountainous village of Zumsoi, Itum-Kalin district in Chechnya.

February 13, 2006 19:00

  • Human rights activist Boliev detained in Dagestan released against recognizance not to leave

    On February 13, 2006, it became known that Osman Boliev, head of "Romashka" public organization detained on November 15, 2005 in the town of Khasavyurt (Dagestan) was released from custody against recognizance not to leave by a decision of the Khasavyurt town court. This was reported by Makhmut Magomadov, one of Boliev's lawyers, by telephone to the public movement "ChCNA."

February 13, 2006 18:00

  • Dmitrievskiy, director of RChFS, appeals against the Soviet district court ruling

    Stanislav Dmitrievskiy, executive director of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society and chief editor of the "Pravozaschita" (human rights protection) newspaper, has filed today a cassation application to the Judicial Panel on Criminal cases of Nizhni Novgorod regional court against the ruling passed by the Soviet district court of Nizhni Novgorod, runs the RChFS message submitted to the "Caucasian Knot". Leila Khamzaeva, Dmitrievskiy's lawyer who resides in Moscow, has filed today a cassation application to the regional court, too. On Thursday, a cassation application was also filed by Yuri Sidorov, another lawyer of Dmitrievskiy. The applications contain the request to overrule the conviction and to stop the criminal proceedings.

February 11, 2006 19:00

February 11, 2006 18:00

  • Kidnapped Gudermes resident returns home in Chechnya

    Local residents report that, on February 2, Makka Elingaraeva, resident of Gudermes district centre (Chechnya) who was considered missing, returned home, runs the information of the Council of Non-government Organizations submitted to the "Caucasian Knot."

February 10, 2006 18:00

  • The person accused of murdering Khlebnikov attempts suicide

    Moscow notary Fail Sadretdinov, defendant in the case of murder of Paul Khlebnikov, chief editor of the Forbes magazine Russian version, has attempted suicide, reports the RIA "Novosti." The information comes from a source in the capital's law enforcement agencies. "Sadretdinov has made an attempt of suicide. He tried to cut his veins," said the agency interlocutor.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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