28 July 2011, 22:00

Dagestani MIA has no information about "shahid belts" in place of special operation in Dagestanskie Ogni

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Dagestan claim having no information about the "shahid belts", that, according to their colleagues' story, were hidden at a house during the special operation in the city of Dagestanskie Ogni on July 24. However, according to the MIA's information, guns were found at the house.

Press secretary of the Dagestani MIA said that "before opening fire on the militants, the policemen carried on talks". "The women had enough time to go out and not to be hit by bullets. The power agents had no choice but to open fire on the escaping militants," explained the press secretary.

Gasan Aigunov, Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber on protection of the rights of persons held in detention facilities, reported that the power agents suggested the militants to surrender.

Gasan Aigunov made an emphasis on the fact that the power agents acted within the framework of the Russian legislation. "It is very difficult to orientate oneself during the special operation is. And it is impossible to tell the power agents, whether they were right or not. Because the law allows opening fire on those who do not respond to the demand to surrender – no matter if this is a woman or a man," Gasan Aigunov said.

Nariman Gadjiev, a well-known Dagestani blogger, director of the RIA "Dagestan", believes that the power agents could face danger in case they tried to rescue the injured woman. "Suppose, she had a grenade in her hand or a 'shahid belt' with her? Who would approach her, who would venture his life? No one," Nariman Gadjiev states with confidence.

He also said that some time before the special operation the power agencies received message about an imminent terror act planned for the Republic's Constitution Day, which was celebrated on July 26. "In the house, where the militants had entrenched, two "shahid belts" were found," assured Nariman Gadjiev.

Apart from the "shahid belts", photos of the women, shot together with the militants, were discovered in the house. "Well, they knew what they were doing. As a result, one of them died," states Gadjiev.

Author: Yaroslav Kozulin Source: CK correspondent

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